New Mini-Documentary Highlights Art Show in Beverly Hills
“Bringing Art to Life in Beverly Hills” is a mini-documentary created for Cognitive Dynamics Foundation by Electro-fish Media. It shows highlights from the gala art event “Painting in Twilight: An Artist’s Escape from Alzheimer’s,” which took place at the David W. Streets Galleries in Beverly Hills, CA on November 5, 2010. The event showcased the life and art of Lester E. Potts, Jr., acclaimed Alzheimer’s artist and father of Cognitive Dynamics Foundation founder and President Daniel C. Potts, M.D.. The event was made possible by Cognitive Dynamics Advisory Board Members Meril Platzer, M.D. and David W. Streets, and was designed to raise awareness for efforts to improve the quality of life of persons with Alzheimer’s disease and their caregivers through the arts.
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